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by Marinell Hidalgo 02 Dec 2022



Are you sick and tired of your plain and boring kitchen area because of your old appliances with rust? You are destined to this blog because we will give you incredible ideas on how to beautify your home appliances instantly! It's so much fun decorating kitchen appliances with distinctive and complementary designs. But over time, we reconsider different themes because we think this is the most energizing beginning! 


So, am I advising you to purchase new appliances yearly?

Yes, you can, but there is another option if you're on a tight budget but still want to be artistic and creative in your kitchen area! 


If you love designing your kitchen and want to have one color for all appliances, vinyl wrap is the solution to your problems! If you have different appliances colors and decided to stick in your favorite color or design, it's now achievable-Thanks to Vinyl Wrap! Now you don't have to spend three months' pay on new appliances, and you can wrap those and give them a new lease on life. 


Wait, Vinyl, what? 

Let's add your learning about vinyl and get ready to admire this must-have craft material that will improve your appliance's design. 

So here it is.


Vinyl Wraps are sheets that adhere to your appliances, such as a fridge, like a second skin. Imagine them as a vast sticker that completely covers the surface and changes its appearance in terms of color and texture. But imagine these more like the stickers you might see on someone's car bumper rather than the tiny stickers you might find peeling off a child's homework.

These fridge wraps are strong, long-lasting, and constructed to last. Most importantly, they can reinvent outdated appliances into something special.


I know that you get more interested in Vinyl Wrap. So, I'll walk you through frequently asked questions for this excellent craft material! 



A fridge is one of the essential appliances in our kitchen. And because its average size is big, our guests can quickly notice it. And let's be honest, we want them to be impressed and say, "your fridge looks amazing. I wanted to have that too!"


Some branded fridges last long and have worked over the years. The sad part is the door and side part of your fridge. Sometimes, it tends to have rust or scratches. And sometimes we wanted to change its color to make it look like a brand new fridge! 

So, can I vinyl wrap my fridge at home? 


Don't get bothered over your old fridge because Yes! You can wrap your fridge with a vinyl wrap! Fridge wrapping is a well-liked and affordable way of updating your old fridge without hiring contractors—which could cost you hundreds of dollars.

Hold on! Before buying vinyl wrap, consider its size.


Although each refrigerator will vary slightly, most belong to one of two categories: full-sized or mini. Both can be wrapped without difficulty. Any size fridge can be covered with the right amount of wrap if you know the standard measurements. 





The front and top are 24" by 60," while the sides are each 36" by 24." You should have more than enough vinyl wrap to wrap your mini fridge if you order a 5-foot roll.

Full-Sized Fridges: 

For this size, the front and top are 60" by 72" and the sides 24" by 72". You must purchase at least 84 inches if you want to be sure.

Top-Mount Freezers in Full-Size Fridges

The conventional refrigerator design is top-mount, which places the freezer at eye level and the fresh food section below. Most of the top-mount refrigerator and freezer units have dimensions of 24 to 33 inches in depth and 65 to 69 inches in height. Therefore, you'll need a vinyl wrap at least 84" long.

Refrigerators that are side by side

The vertical side-by-side refrigerator has two doors, one for the freezer and the other for the chilled food section. The standard side-by-side refrigerator has the following dimensions: height: 67 to 70 inches, width: 30 to 36 inches, and depth: 29 to 35 inches. To be safe, you should probably choose a wrap that is 96 inches long.

Little Fridges

Do you want to wrap a mini fridge of the standard size? Unsurprisingly, you only need to buy a roll of wrapping film that is 5 feet long.

24 by 36 on the right side

24 by 36 on the left side

Top and Front: 24" by 48"


Depending on how quickly you work, the process takes only a few hours, from the time you choose your vinyl to have it fitted on your fridge. Within a day, the actual wrapping can be finished. You can wrap most of a heat pump's or refrigerator's parts. Meanwhile, you cannot cover a fridge or freezer around protruding badges or textured plastic components. Labels and sensors on refrigerators and heat pumps won't be wrapped because they might interfere with how well the appliance works.

Every refrigerator is unique. We always advise taking accurate measurements before purchasing and adding a safety margin. Remember, it's better to have excess!



Have a dull old white (or a color that now resembles a coffee drinker's teeth) refrigerator that you want to replace but can't afford to spend a thousand dollars on? If so, you can give your fridge the newest look!


The refrigerator is one of those kitchen appliances that can quickly become out of date much sooner than you expect. While some trends last longer, they all eventually go out of style. Maybe it takes two years or maybe five, but you're going to one day walk into your kitchen and realize your refrigerator looks old-fashioned. Alternatively, perhaps you're not worried about fashion or that you found a genuinely timeless piece. Your taste may still change despite this. Every day, our tastes change a little bit, so what we find appealing in April might not be so in November.


Regrettably, changing out your refrigerator is not a simple task. The cost of new refrigerators is high, and the installation process is challenging and labor-intensive. Most of us put off replacing the fridge even as we grow increasingly dissatisfied with our current model.


So, how do you change the color of an old ref for a new look? 

We have a solution if this situation is all too familiar to you. Refrigerator wraps are the ideal way to modernize your refrigerator and give it a fresh look for a small portion of the price of a complete replacement.




Step1: Remove the handle of your fridge if necessary and possible. Ensure the surface is clean using a clean towel and alcohol-based cleaning products to remove dirt and for proper adhesion of vinyl wrap.

Step2: Get all the tools ready that you will need for application; tape, scalpel (or cutting knife), squeegee, and of course, your wrap vinyl.

Step 3: Align the vinyl sheet with the fridge and make sure it is straight from the top, edges, to the bottom. 

Step 4: Tape the vinyl sheet on either side of the fridge for easy application.

Step 5: Use the scalpel to remove the excess vinyl sheet along the bottom. 

Step 6: Put a strip of tape in the middle of the sheet. Ensure the tape reaches from one side of the fridge to the other.  

               Remove tape from step 4.


  1. Peel vinyl off to one-third way down the sheet.
  2. Beginning in the upper right corner, peel the application backing from the vinyl sheet's top.
  3. Slice the backing from the top third of the vinyl sheet with a scalpel.

Step 8: Grab the vinyl sheet's top by the corners and lightly pull it upwards. Make sure the sheet is taut to avoid creasing during application. Stick vinyl to the top of the fridge.

Step 9: Starting from the middle near the tape, press down firmly on a sheet. Use a squeegee at a 45-degree angle to the tape. Move upwards using smooth sweeps from one end to the other until all of the top third is applied.

Step 10: Remove the strip of tape. Pull the lower half of the sheet up and peel off the backing slowly with one hand while using the other to sweep the squeegee back and forth, moving down towards the bottom of the fridge.

Step 11: Once you have applied the bottom two-thirds, use the squeegee's edge to firmly press down the bottom and sides of the sheet against the fridge.

Step 12: Use a scalpel to trim excess vinyl on your fridge's top, bottom, and edges. Remove cut vinyl and run squeegee along edges to stick down the sheet. 


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Using wrap vinyl to cover your old fridge is incredible! Aside from wrapping vinyl, you can also use paint. As we are all creative here, what other options can you use to make over your old fridge?

Wow! Can I paint my fridge at home?

Definitely Yes!

You can paint a refrigerator in various ways and with various "additional" options (such as using stencils, changing out the handles, etc.). There are many different colors to select if a blue refrigerator doesn't go with the design of your kitchen. With just a few essential and reasonably priced tools, you can complete this project for approximately $40 (or less!).



Roller: Since a small paint roller doesn't leave any streaks and can offer better coverage than a traditional paintbrush, it is much more practical to use one. However, if you'd like, use a brush.

Primer – make sure to use one specifically for metal.

Make sure to purchase metal-specific paint. To avoid blatant smudge or fingerprint impressions, stay away from matte or eggshell textures. You choose the color.

Optional: Sandpaper - I advise using medium 120-grit sandpaper if you wish to or need to sand the refrigerator before painting.

The seal layer is optional, though using a paint sealer will give your project a more durable surface.

Follow these simple steps to paint your fridge:


Step 1: Set up the Fridge

First, empty the fridge of all its stuff, unplug it, and move it away from the wall and any other furniture (so they don't receive paint splatters). Also, be sure to paint your refrigerator a well-ventilated place!

Step 2: Clean your Fridge

The fridge exterior where you will be painting must be well cleaned. The tiniest dust might impact how the paint adheres to the item.

Use a moist cloth and some soap to clean the fridge. You can also use a vinegar-water solution (1:1 ratio). Use a fabric that won't leave any fibers behind, such as a microfiber cloth.

 Step 3: Tape areas you're not painting

Cover with masking tape the sections you don't wish to paint. To prevent paint from penetrating below the tape, ensure that the tape is smooth on all sides. Any display handles and hinges fall under this category.

Step 4: Paint the refrigerator with a primer/base coat

You must use a paint primer on the fridge, just as on the walls. This primer makes for a pretty excellent flat surface on which to paint. Multiple manufacturers sell paint and primer combos. Although not all colors are offered, it will eliminate a step and save time.

Use a tiny foam roller for the more significant portions of the refrigerator and a small brush for any sections that are more difficult to reach when priming the appliance. Then allow the paint to finish drying (usually between 4-6 hours in a well-ventilated area).

Step 5: Paint Your Fridge

Before pouring the paint into a tray, thoroughly stir it first. For this, you can buy special wooden paint sticks or use an object that looks similar, such as an old wooden spoon.

You should apply the initial coat of paint to the refrigerator with a clean, dry foam roller. If it doesn't seem perfect at this point, don't worry; you'll be painting another layer. Once again, if you're having difficulty reaching spots, use a little brush, and then allow the coat to dry entirely (4-6 hours in a well-ventilated area, usually).

Apply a second coat of paint to the refrigerator once thoroughly dried. Try to be patient; if you rush, you risk ruining your painted fridge.

Step 6: The final steps

Before placing the refrigerator back and plugging it in, give it time to dry completely. I advise waiting the whole 24 hours for absolute confidence.


Simple Tip:

You can go one extra step and adequately seal the paint with a sealant, though this takes a very long time to dry.

So, which type of paint is OK for use on a refrigerator?

Use paint for metal surfaces only. You can get what you need at hardware stores. Make careful to read the item description before making an online purchase.

Epoxy for appliances works well for touch-ups in white. You can use water, latex, or oil paints as long as they specifically state that they are for metal. 

Chalkboard paint is another option that can be great for a simple DIY refrigerator project and retro refrigerator look.



Since I mentioned the paint, and maybe you are now confused about what to choose between color and vinyl wrap for the fridge, let's compare these two.

Which is better? Vinyl Wrap or Paint?

Each has benefits if you're thinking about giving your appliances a new paint job or a vinyl wrap.



Let's start with paint. To achieve a showroom finish, a paint job needs a professional's touch and equipment, which increases the cost and slows down the process. Time and expense are further increased using multiple or unique colors, such as metallic or pearlescent finishes. Custom designs or graphics require the expertise of a different professional, usually hand finishing. In other words, this is a traditional way of retouching your home appliances. Such simple or custom paint jobs may last the entire life of the medium. Custom paint can significantly raise the value of your medium. However, having a custom paint job can substantially lessen its appeal; not everyone wants their kitchen appliances in dark colors. But don't get me wrong, this has been useful, and it's in your hand whether to choose this or not. 



And now let's discuss the vinyl wrap. It's no longer prohibitively expensive to change the appearance of your appliances, especially if you intend to do it yourself, thanks to advancements in vinyl wrap technology. If you go the professional route, vinyl wrapping can cost as much as a paint job, but a do-it-yourself can complete even a full wrap with patience and a steady hand. The necessary tools are readily available and don't call for any specialized training, license, or experience. Even using multiple colors, simple color changes don't significantly raise the project's overall cost, but exceptional graphics, prints, or finishes could. 


Vinyl wrap lends itself naturally to temporary applications due to its very nature. It might not be ideal for permanence, but a brief might be just suitable for some crafters. A high-quality vinyl wrap may last five to seven years, or even ten years, with proper maintenance.


What advantages do refrigerator wraps have? Why go with a fridge wrap rather than just getting a new fridge or painting it? There are many benefits to choosing fridge wraps; here are three of them.


1. Customization

Replacing your refrigerator is a significant event. In addition to being expensive, it also requires a lot of manual labor. You'll most likely need to have it delivered, which will add to the base price. It makes choosing a new fridge a tough decision. There is tremendous pressure on you to make a wise decision because whatever model you choose will remain in your kitchen for years or even decades. Like most of us, this pressure might tempt you to choose the most neutral refrigerator you can find rather than the one you want because it has the best chance of holding up over time.


Vinyl wraps give you the freedom to experiment and customize. There is less pressure to make the ideal choice and more freedom to try something new because these stickers are much more affordable than an entire fridge. With vinyl, you can experiment with one wrap this year and switch it up with a new one the following year. It is possible to match this level of flexibility, and once you get used to it, it is difficult to switch to anything else, I swear.


2. Price

One of your kitchen's priciest appliances is the refrigerator alone. Even if you pick one of the less expensive models, it will still consume a sizable portion of your budget. That is before you factor in the cost of delivery, the labor charges for the installation specialists, and any possible disposal fees for the old refrigerator. Replacing your refrigerator is an expensive procedure, even in the best-case scenario. 


3. Hassle

We've already discussed how expensive it is to replace your fridge, but it's also important to note how difficult it is most of the time. While the installation team installs and connects the new fridge, your kitchen will be inoperable. The old refrigerator must be moved from its current location and stored until it is disposed of. In addition to clearing a path through the house to the kitchen and occasionally moving furniture to do so, you'll need to empty the fridge and decide where to put all of your frozen and cold items while the refrigerator is out of commission.

So did you already make a better choice? 



There are many reasons why people might decide to wrap their home appliances. The most frequent explanations are the ones we've covered here:

  • The enormous cost savings.
  • The minimal hassle.
  • The extensive freedom to select any design or style you like.

People may decide to wrap their appliances because they're saving up for a more significant purchase in the future or because they make a small to medium income and aren't quite ready to spend a lot of money on a new refrigerator. They might also choose a vinyl wrap because they don't want to wait a decade for a new refrigerator and prefer the freedom to change their style whenever the mood strikes. Or, they may just be intimidated by the enormous process of replacing their old fridge and see this as a more accessible alternative.

While many different styles and designs are available, as you start looking for your vinyl fridge wrap, you'll soon realize that they all broadly fall into a few different categories. Narrowing it down to these categories can be a helpful way to begin decision-making if the vast array of options overwhelms you.

By looking at these three categories, you can pick the type of vinyl wrap you most like rather than going through every single design out there.


1. Graphic Vinyl Wrap

Every fridge wrap is, in a way, graphic. They could all be graphic because they are colored and textured. However, what we mean by this classification is that the wraps have images or are made to resemble another real-life object. They might turn your refrigerator into a phone booth or a vending machine or just be covered in a repeating design of stripes, plaid, flowers, and hearts. These are all considered to be graphic.


2. Metallic vinyl wrap

There are no designs or patterns on these fridge wraps because they are one solid color. But what distinguishes them is the metallic sheen they give to your kitchen. These metallic wraps imitate a particular metal or substance, like chrome or stainless steel, or they may be shiny, reflective surfaces. It's a metallic wrap if it's a solid color and has that recognizable sheen to it.


3. Matte vinyl wrap

Additionally, matte wraps are one solid color. These are flat colors, unlike metallic wraps, and aren't meant to shine or reflect light. Although they can be found in every rainbow color, their matte low-gloss coloring serves as their defining feature.


Wrapping is a great way to update your appliances to match your decor or stand out! So what are you waiting for? 

Get up, make up and wrap up your home appliances, and don't forget to share your adventure with us.


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For your vinyl crafting needs, please check our website at We offer different Adhesive and Heat Transfer Vinyl, perfect for your next project.


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